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9 Studies Highlighting the Benefits of Living Near the Sea

Living near the sea has long been associated with peace and tranquility. Still, recent studies have shown that the benefits of living near the coast go far beyond just a sense of well-being. Research conducted over the past decade has provided compelling evidence that living near the sea can positively impact physical and mental health. From reducing stress levels to promoting better sleep and enhancing immunity, the studies show that exposure to the sea and coastal environments can be an effective method for enhancing overall health and well-being. This article explores nine studies highlighting the many benefits of living near the sea and spending time in or near the sea.

1. Blue space geographies: Enabling health in place

A study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology in 2013 explored the association between living near the sea and psychological well-being. The study surveyed 1,000 participants living in various coastal regions of England, examining their stress levels and overall well-being. The results showed that individuals who lived closer to the coast reported lower stress levels and higher overall well-being than those who lived further inland. Living near the sea may provide access to blue spaces and natural environments, promoting mental and physical well-being. Additionally, the study found that people who viewed the sea from their homes reported even higher levels of well-being than those who lived near the coast but did not have an sea view. Overall, the study provides evidence of the positive impact that proximity to the sea can have on mental health and well-being.

2. Living Near the Coast: Psychological Well-Being, Self-Reported Health Status, and Access to Coastal Blue Space

The 2015 study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health examined the association between living near the coast and psychological well-being, self-reported health status, and access to coastal blue space. The study analyzed data from an extensive, nationally representative survey of adults in England and found that people living closer to the coast reported better mental health and well-being than those living further inland.

The study also found that individuals living within 1 km of the coast were more likely to engage in physical activity and have higher levels of social cohesion. Access to coastal blue space was essential in explaining the positive association between coastal living and well-being.

The authors suggest that these findings have important implications for public health policies, such as promoting access to blue spaces and encouraging more physical activity in coastal areas. Overall, the study highlights the potential benefits of living near the coast for mental and physical health.

3. The Role of Coastal Livelihood and Service Ecosystems in Human Well-being and Blue Growth

The 2016 study published in the Journal of Coastal Zone Management investigated the role of coastal livelihood and service ecosystems in human well-being and blue growth. The study found that being near the sea positively impacts physical and mental health. The researchers examined the connection between well-being and the coastal ecosystem, including the benefits of living near the sea, such as increased physical activity, improved mental health, and enhanced social connections.

The study also identified potential risks associated with coastal living, such as exposure to harmful toxins and natural disasters. However, the findings suggest that coastal ecosystems provide numerous benefits for human well-being, which can be harnessed for economic growth and sustainable development.

The study emphasizes the importance of protecting and preserving coastal ecosystems to ensure their continued benefits for human health and well-being. It also highlights the potential for coastal tourism and other industries to promote sustainable development and blue growth while benefiting local communities.

4. Living Close to the Coast: Association with Physical Health

According to a 2017 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, living near the coast may positively impact physical health. The study analyzed data from over 48 million people in England and found that those living within a kilometer of the seaside reported better physical health than those living further inland. Living close to the sea may encourage people to engage in more physical activity, such as walking or swimming, which can have numerous health benefits. Additionally, exposure to the sea air and the sound of waves may have a calming effect on the mind and body, reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation. The study’s findings suggest that living near the coast could be a simple and effective way to improve overall physical health.

5. Blue space geographies: Enabling health in place

A 2018 study published in Health and Place found that living near the sea may help reduce the risk of depression. The study surveyed over 26,000 participants from coastal and non-coastal regions of England and found that those who lived closer to the coast reported better mental health. The results also showed that those living within a kilometer of the coastline were less likely to experience symptoms of depression, even after accounting for factors such as age, sex, income, and employment.

The study suggests that access to “blue spaces,” such as the sea, can positively impact mental health, possibly due to the calming effects of water and the opportunities for physical activity and social interaction that coastal environments provide. The findings have important implications for public health policy and urban planning, suggesting that proximity to blue spaces should be considered when designing and developing communities. Overall, the study adds to a growing body of research highlighting the importance of nature and the environment for mental health and well-being.

6. Coastal Environments and Health: A Review of the Evidence and Future Directions for Research and Policy”

The 2019 study published in the journal Environment and Behavior reviewed the evidence on the impact of coastal environments on human health and well-being. The study found that exposure to coastal environments can positively affect mental and physical health, including reducing stress and promoting a sense of calmness.

The researchers identified several mechanisms that may explain the beneficial effects of coastal environments, including the therapeutic effects of nature, the relaxing effects of water, and the social benefits of seaside activities.

The study also highlighted the importance of access to coastal environments for marginalized populations and the need for policies to protect and preserve these environments. The researchers recommended that policymakers consider the health benefits of coastal environments when deciding land use and coastal management.

Overall, this study provides important insights into how coastal environments can promote well-being and highlights the need for policies prioritizing access to these environments for all populations.

7. Coastal living and well-being: findings from a UK survey

The study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies aimed to explore the relationship between coastal living and well-being. The researchers conducted an online survey of over 25,000 participants in the UK. They analyzed their responses to questions about their residential location, well-being, and satisfaction with life.

The results showed that people living within 5 km of the coast reported higher life satisfaction and happiness levels than those living further inland. This effect was observed even after controlling for income, employment status, and age.

Living near the coast may provide a unique combination of physical and psychological benefits, including opportunities for physical activity, socialization, and exposure to natural environments. The authors note that these findings have important implications for urban planning and public health, highlighting the potential benefits of promoting access to coastal environments for all.

8. Benefits of living near the sea: A Review of the Physical and Psychological Benefits of Spending Time Near the Sea.

The 2021 study published in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering reviewed the current literature on the physical and psychological benefits of spending time near the sea. The study found that spending time near the sea can positively impact both physical and mental health. Specifically, the study reported that spending time near the sea can reduce stress, improve mood and sleep, enhance immunity, and improve cardiovascular health.

The study’s authors suggest that the sound of sea waves and the smell of sea air contribute to a sense of relaxation and tranquility, which may explain the positive impact on mental health. Additionally, spending time near the sea can provide opportunities for physical activity, such as swimming and beach walks, which can improve cardiovascular health and overall fitness.

The study further proves that spending time near the sea can be a powerful tool for promoting physical and mental health.

9. Benefits of living near the sea and health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study in the UK

A 2022 study published in BMC Public Health aimed to investigate the relationship between living near the coast and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The study used data from the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS). It analyzed the responses of over 35,000 participants who reported on their HRQoL, demographic characteristics, and residential location. The study found that participants who lived within 1km of the coast reported higher levels of HRQoL compared to those who lived more than 50km away from the coastline. This association remained even after adjusting for potential confounding factors such as age, gender, income, and physical activity levels. Living near the coast may positively impact HRQoL, an essential measure of overall well-being. The findings support the idea that access to natural environments such as the coast can play a crucial role in promoting health and well-being.

Overall, the studies provide compelling evidence that living near the sea can significantly improve physical and mental health. The studies suggest that access to coastal habitats can be crucial in promoting health and well-being, providing opportunities for physical activity, socialization, and exposure to natural environments, all contributing to improved overall well-being. Policymakers should prioritize access to these environments for all populations and protect these environments for future generations.