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10 reasons Why Living Near the Sea Can Improve Your Well-Being
There is something exceptional about living near the sea. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the salty smell of the sea air, and the feeling of sand between your toes all contribute to...
kornati archipelago as hidden filming spot
Discovering Kornati Archipelago as a Hidden Filming Spot
The Kornati Archipelago, located off the coast of Croatia, is a breathtakingly beautiful and tranquil area that has been largely undiscovered by the film industry. Its unique features include crystal-clear...
Fun games to teach kids to swim
7 Games for Kids to Teach Swimming in the Sea
Are you planning a sea vacation with your kids? If so, teaching them to swim in the sea is a must. However, swimming lessons can quickly become tedious for young children. Fortunately, you can play several...
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Observing the Planets for beginners
Suppose you’re starting in astronomy and interested in observing the planets. In that case, there’s no better place to start than with the planets in our solar system. From the gas giants of...
Digital detox in Kornati. Sunset and drstone wall in Kornati.
Take a Digital Detox in Kornati Archipelago
In today’s fast-paced environment, unplugging technology and taking time for yourself can be difficult. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it might be time...